It takes a moment to rise and that happens in the ‘Moment of LOVE❤️’.

and then there is a small change that happen around you.

Sometimes you take the step, that was always in your mind for your career, someday you make a move to a healthier life style, someday it is just a heartful move to gratitude for a second chance. Someday a wilful decision to take a pause. Some days, it takes you to a dedicated restart, beyond your past  and some days, it is just a feel good factor for today.

Pooja Grove

Self Love Coach

Helping you create a Simple, Happy & Powerful Living.

The happy life foundation was built with a simple intent of making everyday life little better. At its core THL.Foundation wants to bring hope and love for living. A positive change that can drive positive behaviour in all of us and in turn drive a positive motion of thoughts.

It is bringing in  emotional balance and mental wellbeing for a happy & simple living.

Your 8 constant reminders:

1. Help is always available, but we forget it is there.
2. Life is a mix of being fair and unfair. But when it is unfair, there is always something to look at.
3. Gratitude is the key.
4. Sometimes escaping life is only option that seems available. But decision to return after that is the most rewarding one that you can ever take
5. Letting go is difficult but needed
6. One day at a time works
7. Decide, standup & move. Only you can do this. Rest follows
8. Love heals. Trust me on this.

7 AM Routine - Making mornings beautiful

Start your day with intention through our 7 AM Routine, designed to set a positive tone for the day ahead. This structured practice includes meditation, affirmations, and journaling, helping you align with your goals and embrace mindfulness.

Meditation: 20 minutes to center your mind.
Affirmations & Prayers: 5 minutes to focus on positive thoughts.
Journaling: 15 minutes to reflect and plan.
Duration: 3 weeks, starting 1st of every month.

Self Love Practice Program

Our Self Love Practice Program is a transformative journey designed to help you cultivate a deep, nurturing relationship with yourself. Over 4.5 months, you’ll engage in practices that enhance emotional resilience and mental strength.

36 Sessions: Comprehensive training for emotional health.
Format: Online via Zoom, with 60-minute sessions for 3 months and 30-minute sessions for the remaining 1.5 months.
Outcomes: Unshakeable self-connection, clear thought process, and lasting joy.


Heartfulness offers a unique workshop experience that focuses on connecting with your inner self through heart-centered practices. This 6-hour workshop, including a lunch break, is held in a serene, green environment in Delhi.

Duration: 6 hours (5 hours of activities + 1 hour for lunch).
Activities: Heart-centered exercises, group discussions, and relaxation techniques.
Setting: Cozy, green surroundings for a calming experience.

1-1 Coaching Program

Our 1-1 Coaching Program provides personalized support to help you navigate challenges and achieve your goals. Through tailored sessions, you’ll receive the guidance needed to make meaningful changes and unlock your full potential.

Personalized Guidance: Focused on your specific needs and goals.
Sessions: Flexible scheduling via Zoom.
Support: Continuous encouragement and practical strategies for success.

See What Our Clients Have Achieved and Get Inspired to Reach Your Own Goals


4.9 out of 5 stars

from 1.2k reviews

“The 7 am routine you have very well curated. It deserves a huge applaud . Starting my day with gratitude and blessings is something I look up to everyday and it has created a feeling of happiness and well-being. Thank You Pooja for your amazing work”

– Mandeep- 7 AM August

“As I reflect on the past 21 days of meditation and journaling under your guidance, I am overwhelmed with a sense of pride and gratitude. For the first time in my life, I committed wholeheartedly to a practice, showing up every day with unwavering dedication. This achievement, however small it may seem to some, marks a significant milestone in my personal journey. This journey has been nothing short of remarkable. In 35 years, I’ve never felt such genuine happiness and gratitude, a testament to your teachings. Gratitude, once a struggle, now flows effortlessly, thanks to your gentle prompts. Your classes have opened my eyes to the abundance of blessings surrounding me. I eagerly anticipate continuing this journey with you next month. Your classes have taught me that happiness is contagious. I’m committed to spreading joy, just as you’ve done for me. Thank you, Pooja, for everything. Your dedication and compassion are truly inspiring. Keep shining your light” 

Mary- 7 AM April

“Hi Pooja and everyone, I’m truly grateful for the past 21 days. It’s been an incredible journey of growth and connection. From peaceful meditations to vibrant journaling, each day has been special. Pooja, starting this second month together, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation. Your guidance and support are invaluable, creating a safe space for us to explore and grow.  Thank you, Pooja, for sharing your wisdom and nurturing environment. Your impact is profound, and I’m fortunate to learn from you. Here’s to more moments of discovery and growth together.  With heartfelt gratitude” 

Mary- 7 AM May

‘Hi Pooja, You made my early mornings something to look forward to. I really found the sessions very impressive and grounding. Thank you so much. Sorry for not switching on the camera though 😄”

– Himani- 7 AM May

“Thank you Pooja for being an amazing guide for me in this beautiful journey of self growth.. I can see the results in so many ways like I feel more productive, focused and positive throughout the day as compared to what I was a few months back.😅The effort you put into designing and conducting those meditations for us is commendable as they have really helped me to slow down my thoughts and feel calmer. Don’t have enough words to express how good I feel every morning.. just gratitude, gratitude and more gratitude. 🫶🫰💌😇😌 Even turning on camera in the beginning felt awkward to be honest..😄 But now it feels good to see all the happy faces which creates that encouraging vibe that we are all in this incredible journey together. 😊🫶” 

– Rakhi – 7 AM June

“The change I feel after these sessions .  I don’t  get impact  such   things that  bother me few months ago or last years.  Feel lighten . Thanks again” 

– Ankit- 7 AM July

Did You Say Life, I Heard Love

Did You Say Life, I Heard Love” is an inspiring eBook that explores the profound impact of love and positivity in transforming life’s challenges into opportunities for growth. Through the story of Priya, a young woman who rediscovered her purpose and joy through the power of self-love and gratitude, this eBook illustrates how embracing love can lead to a life filled with meaning and fulfillment.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Take the first step towards a happier, more fulfilled you. Explore our programs and discover how we can support your journey to emotional well-being and personal growth. Contact us today to start your transformation!